Monday, May 4, 2009

RRI Part Deux

So where was I? Oh yes, checking in at the Red Roof In (RRI) in Plano, Texas. After my lovely encounter with the check in lady, it was off to my room. Before I could enter the room, of course I needed to use my key. And this wasn't just any key. No, this key was half old school key and half keycard. See, the part you grip is like a house key, but at the end, it looks like some type of '70s transistor. You simply insert the transistor part in the door, wait for it to make a sound like a prison door is opening, then turn the knob. Yes, there was a knob to be turned.

After breaking into Alcatraz and opening the door, I was greeted by the welcoming aroma of vanilla and death. See, to cover the stench of the murder that must have been committed in the room, the fine folks at RRI installed a Glade Plug-In. To be more exact, they used the generic equivalent. Unfortunately, it didn't mask the foul stench, just complimented it. But hey, it's only home for one night, so what the hey.

The I turned on the lights. The decor was pleasing enough. If I had to guess where they got their styling inspiration, it would be Moscow, 1983. A bed, a table, a chair and the finest dresser and television Mother Russia had to offer. But the carpet, now that's where the real style was.

May as well have called the place the Red Carpet Inn, since that was the shade of the industrial grade floor covering. It was red all over save for the one big white stain by the dresser. it had an odd look, as though maybe the room had been used for "filming." Not sure what it was, but I'm operating under the theory that someone had a mishap and spilled some glue. That's what I choose to believe anyway. Unfortunately, they also spilled "glue" on the toilet seat.

Suffice to say the place was a disaster, but it's amazing what you can will yourself to do when you need some sleep.

I did manage to make it through the night, and I even used the "envelope o' shampoo" to clean up in the morning. I counted my blessings and checked out. I did keep the key however, as I needed I memento of the night a little piece of me died.

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